Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Goodbye 2009!

So long 2009. I will forever remember it as the most painful year of my life thus far. I am hopeful that this next year will be good or maybe even great.

My holidays were a bit rough. Being alone seems much more depressing around Christmas time. My children spent most of their vacation with their father. The house was unbelievably quiet. I spent time with my ex-husband and the kids during the holidays. As a result of that, I have a new found understanding of why he is the wrong guy for me. Talking to him is like talking to an empty room. I have felt bad about myself for so long because I wasn't good enough for him to be faithful too. Now, I realize that he isn't good enough for me. I am a good, caring woman. Someone will see the best in me and value what I have to offer. I don't come in a little cute package, but the right guy won't care.

As the next decade dawns, I look forward to making my dreams come true. Had to adjust my plans a bit, but that is okay. Learning to be flexible was essential in being a navy wife. I still want to have more children, God willing. I would love to find someone to marry and grow old with. But you cant hit a home run unless you get up to bat. Learning the art of dating is going to be a challenge. I have a lot of catching up to do. I'll keep you posted.